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What is Souliloqy Radio?

Souliloqy Radio is a podcast that discusses philosophy, consciousness, enlightenment and enrichment of our daily lives through a non-theistic viewpoint.


The broadcast is aimed towards all those who are interested in stimulating conversation without the preposition of religion.  For those who are interested in the journey of enrichment, awakening, and how we can improve our day to day social lives.



There are 84,000 paths to enlightenment, my personal journey is but only one. 
                                       -O. Ayala


At a young age I began to question everything about the world around me, this included my Roman Catholic upbringing.  Being raised in NYC, it granted me the ability to be within grasp of so many diverse cultures.

And thus began my journey of studying and immersing into varying religions and philosophies.  This journey and subsequent awakening is in large part due to those people along my path that kindly allowed me to partake in their way of life. 

From every philosophy and religion I studied, I walked away with little jewels from each, using them to form my own truth about the world.  These truths were then reaffirmed when I came upon Buddhism and a secular road to enlightenment was realized.

I record and share my personal truths and the lessons from my ongoing journey so that my daughter and anyone else who may be interested may draw wisdom from them


"If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path" -Buddha
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